Mind & Body

Quit smoking with CBD

Quitting smoking is tough, whether it be tobacco, or something stronger. In this blog post Curakind looks at evidence for using CBD, and asks: Can CBD help you quit smoking?

Everybody knows that tobacco use is bad for your health. In fact, around 50% of smokers die prematurely (on average 14 years earlier). Worldwide, it is charged with causing seven million deaths each year. In the European Region, over 26% of the population have a nicotine-related addiction.

Smoking cessation drugs don’t always work long-term. But there is a potential solution to your problem- CBD (cannabidiol)-a compound in hemp now used for medical purposes. Can it help with tobacco addiction? Check out how you can quit smoking cigarettes with the help of CBD.

The effects of tobacco smoking

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on Earth. Giving up smoking has been shown time and again to be as hard as kicking heroin or cocaine.

But why is it so addictive? 

When you smoke a cigarette, your brain releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine, “the pleasure hormone”. This gives sensations of comfort and makes you feel good.

These feelings are highly addictive and the cravings when you try to give up can be crippling. Nicotine withdrawal is tough.

But, it’s not just nicotine you’re smoking. Tobacco cigarettes and smokeless tobacco contain thousands of chemicals that threaten health. The nearly 4,000 substances found in tobacco have grave physical, mental and psychological consequences,

These include:

  • lung cancer
  • emphysema
  • chronic bronchitis
  • coronary heart disease
  • stroke
  • impotence
  • miscarriage and pregnancy complications
  • weakened immune system
  • cold, flu, and respiratory infections
  • loss of sense of taste or smell
  • gum disease and dental issues
  • premature aging

Passive Smoking

Secondhand smoke poses an increased risk of lung cancer and heart disease to those nearby, especially children. A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that exposure to secondhand smoke puts children within households more at risk for:

  • sudden infant death syndrome (cot death)
  • asthma
  • respiratory infections
  • ear infections
secondhand smoking increases risk to children
Secondhand smoking increases risk of illness in children

The effects of addiction to cannabis

Although cannabis is not physically addictive, quitting after chronic use can cause intense feelings of withdrawal and cravings.

In our brains, there are many cannabinoid receptors that regulate a number of cognitive processes like pleasure, mood, pain perception0 and appetite. 

The two we know best – CB1 and CB2 – are found in high numbers on neurons that release dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with reward pathways in addictive behaviours. 

Scientists believe this is why people addicted to cannabis experience both pleasurable sensations when they smoke marijuana but also unpleasant withdrawal symptoms if they stop using it abruptly. 

The cannabinoids from marijuana mimic the naturally occurring endocannabinoids of our body. These external cannabinoids flood the system, and in an attempt to even the balance, the body reduces or even stops production of its own endocannabinoids. 

Take away the external marijhuana, and the resulting deficit causes the feelings of anxiety, depression and insomnia associated with withdrawal.

What is CBD?

CBD is a substance derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant, also known as marijuana or hemp.

This naturally occurring compound is extracted, then added to oils and foods to provide feelings of relaxation and calm. Unlike its psychoactive cousin THC, CBD doesn’t make you feel high.

Can CBD help with nicotine addiction?

Smoking cigarettes can be an addictive act, both physically and mentally. The whole ritual of smoking a cigarette develops into a habit that becomes a vital part of your day-to-day life relaxation cycle. This makes quitting tobacco difficult, but CBD offers a potential solution.

Preliminary data and pre-clinical information from a study in 2013 looked at how CBD might reduce cigarette consumption in tobacco smokers. The double-blind trial set out to assess the impact of the use of CBD in smokers who wanted to stop smoking.

The researcher recruited 24 cigarette smokers, each of whom smoked more than 10 cigarettes daily. The smokers were given either an inhaler containing a placebo or CBD for one week; they were instructed to use the inhaler anytime they felt like smoking.

The study was observed for only one week; the placebo participants showed no reduction in cigarette smoke. In contrast, participants with CBD inhalers saw a decrease in cigarette cravings by about 40% during the treatment week.

This study gave preliminary proof that CBD may be an effective and healthier alternative  to help people quit smoking and deserves more exploration. It was only observed for a week, so future studies should include longer observation periods and more participants.

man smoking cigarette
There is strong anecodotal evidence that CBD can help with nicotine addiction

Can CBD help with THC addiction?

CBD can be used to treat THC addiction because CBD does not produce the same “high” as THC. This is because of how these different cannabinoids work on your body’s endocannabinoid system.

The chemical makeup of CBD makes it different from other cannabinoids in that it doesn’t directly engage with the CB receptor or stimulate neurons through serotonin pathways. 

It has been observed by scientists that CBD actually blocks these receptors from being activated when interacting with cannabis products containing greater concentrations of psychoactive substances (THC). 

Effectively, CBD reduces the “high” of THC. 

So, for those who are struggling with marijuana withdrawal symptoms, you may find relief using CBD instead. Anecdotal evidence suggests that many people have had success quitting marijuana by switching to CBD.

Studies into CBD for addiction

A study in 2017 looked at how CBD could reduce cravings in people trying to quit heroin. It involved 42 people in total, women and men with histories of heroin abuse who abstained from relapse.

Participants were shown two videos: neutral videos with images of nature scenes and drug-related videos to trigger cravings.

There were three groups of people: one group took 400mg of CBD, another 800mg, and the third a placebo. The interventions were taken for three days consecutively, with all three groups having no prior awareness as to which they received.

Results showed that participants in the CBD group experienced fewer cravings after exposure to drugs or drug-related cues during the study period. They also maintained a visible reduction in anxiety, heart rate, and cortisol levels. 

This evidence seems to back up anecdotal evidence that CBD can help people dealing with both THC and nicotine withdrawal symptoms, as well as other drug addiction issues. 

family life is better without smoking
Make a list of reasons to stop smoking: your health; family, children and friends

How do I quit smoking ASAP?

Everybody has their own way, and what works for one person may not work for you, but here are some general tips:.

  • Think positive – You’ve got this! Don’t be put off by past attempts. Learn from your mistakes and know that this time you are going to quit smoking cigarettes forever. 
  • Make a plan – set a date, think of a strategy and stick to it. Avoid stressful situations for a few days, if you must go to a party or a place you normally smoke, have an escape plan/ coping strategy and go armed.
  • Identify WHEN you crave cigarettes. A craving can last about 5 minutes. Have a strategy to cope – at a party: dance, go to the bar, leave for a few minutes, or reach for the CBD vape/ edible etc. Talk to a sympathetic friend. Anything to get through that dangerous craving time… 
  • Look at your diet. According to a US survey, some foods make cigarettes taste better. These include meat and burgers, where others, such as fruit, cheese and vegetables make them taste worse, so try changing diet for a bit. Love that after dinner cigarette? Change your routine after dinner, wash up straight away, go somewhere else or have a CBD vape ready to change that habit.
  • Keep your hands and mouth busy – NRT can double your chances of success – there are many options available including tablets, patches, sweets, gum and nasal sprays. CBD can also help: try vaping or smoking flowers to keep your hands busy and calm any cravings you may have.
  • Change your drink – like foods, some drinks seem made to go with cigarettes. Alcohol, tea, coffee all go well with cigarettes, and may have strong associations in your mind. Try a new drink, change your beer for vodka tonic, or juice instead.
  • Avoid smoking triggers: spend time with non-smokers, throw away your ashtrays. At parties, dance. Don’t hang around with the smokers
  • Get support – talk to your doctor, get support from your friends, join a local group. These things are easier when you’re not alone.
  • Move your body. This is your chance to get fit! Just 5 minutes of exercise can help increase dopamine levels and cut cravings. The new you is just round the corner!
  • Make a list of reasons to quit. When you waver, look at the list. One ex-smoker carried a photo of his baby daughter to look at if he was tempted. There are great reasons to quit smoking. Remind yourself every time you feel tempted.

What can I replace cigarettes with to stop smoking?

Many nicotine alternatives are available to help you cope with the withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking. Some of these solutions include tablets, patches, lozenges, gum and nasal sprays.  and other forms of NRT, which target the specific urges for cigarette use. These methods have been well studied and will keep your desire to smoke at a minimum.

Nicotine replacement therapy can be used as soon as you throw away your tobacco. You do not need to wait a certain length of time and should consult the instructions for the use of nicotine replacement with your chosen method regarding when it can be started.

Vaping CBD flowers or oils can also help, both physically by relaxing you when you are missing the tobacco hit, and also by allowing you to “smoke” without inhaling the addictive nicotine.  

CBD oil flowers and capsules
CBD oils and flowers are particularly good for quitting smoking

Forms of CBD available

CBD comes in many different forms, including edibles, topicals, oils and tinctures. Here’s a list with their advantages and disadvantages:

CBD oils

CBD oil is made via an extraction process that separates CBD and other cannabinoids from the plant matter of the cannabis plant. This is then added to a carrier oil such as coconut (MCT oil), hemp seed oil, or olive oil to make oils of different strengths (5%, 10% 20% for example). 

Oils are a great option for people giving up smoking as the effects last for up to 8 hours. This means a few drops 3 times a day can give you 24 hour relief from the effects of quitting.

CBD tinctures 

For a CBD tincture, high strength alcohol is used to extract the elements from the plant. Alcohol is also used as a base for the final product. CBD tinctures may contain 60 or 70% alcohol. 

This gives the product a longer shelf life, but also a more bitter taste. For people that are sensitive to alcohol, of course, an oil will be a better choice.

Gummy bears are a popular way to take CBD with around 25mg CBD per sweet

CBD edibles

CBD edibles are cannabis-infused foods or sweets, famously gummy bears, brownies, chocolates or space cakes.  The advantage of these is that they are easy to carry around and can be eaten like candy or sweets.

CBD oil capsules

The gel capsules are an excellent option for those who don’t want to taste the oil or have any residue left over from taking a capsule, but they’re more expensive than oils and tinctures and obviously more processed.

It also takes longer for the capsules to become active in your system because they have to go through your stomach first before getting into your bloodstream.

CBD balms and lotions

CBD topicals offer a unique way for people to use cannabinoids. Rather than ingesting the CBD, you apply topicals directly to specific areas of the body to give localized relief directly where it hurts.

CBD topicals include creams, lotions, salves, balms, serums, massage oils, and more. Look for facial products, lip balms, massage oils or pain-relieving items. When mixed with essential oils, CBD topicals can be a great way to unwind after a long day.

flores de CBD
CBD flowers or buds can be rolled into joints and smoked

CBD flowers

For those that enjoy smoking or vaping, CBD flowers (or buds) are available. These are normally well-formed seedless buds from indoor cultivation. These can be quite expensive and quality varies widely. 

As these are whole flowers from the plants, they are full spectrum and will contain all the cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes of the plant they have come from. The potency will depend on the potency of the plant they have come from.

Smoking or vaping CBD is the quickest way to take CBD, and also one of the most effective. The downside is the effects of the CBD wear off more quickly.

It is a particularly effective method for people trying to give up smoking as the physical act of smoking or vaping fills the gap left by smoking cigarettes and satisfies both the oral fixation and the reward associated with the act of smoking. 

If you are giving up smoking for health reasons, keep in mind that – just like cigarettes – smoking CBD can cause symptoms of bronchitis and inflammation, as burning embers irritate the airways in the lungs. The process of vaping is smoke-free, meaning fewer side effects.

Side effects of using CBD

Whilst CBD is extremely safe it does have some minor risks associated with it and can cause side effects such as dry mouth, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and fatigue. 

It can interact with other medications you are taking as well, including blood thinners; and high blood pressure drugs, due to its own blood pressure lowering properties.

If you are taking other prescription medications, we would alway advise talking to a healthcare professional before adding CBD to your medical regime. 


If you’re looking to quit smoking, or cut down using marijuana, CBD may be an exciting new option for you. In addition to reducing dependence on cigarettes and cannabis products, CBD has been shown to reduce anxiety levels in smokers who have already quit tobacco cigarettes but still smoke weed. 

So if you want a natural way of quitting your habit without having withdrawal symptoms such as intense cravings, mood swings or irritability then why not try out CBD? 

Whilst more research is needed into how this substance works, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence which suggests that it could work wonders.

If you’ve used CBD to quit smoking, share your story with us so that it can help other people!


What is CBD?

CBD for anxiety

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