Mind & Body

CBD for hangovers: how and why it works

Hangovers are the worst. The throbbing headache, nausea, dry mouth… it’s enough to make you want to curl up in bed with some toast and Netflix for the rest of your life! But what if there was something that could help? Something that would take away all those nasty hangover symptoms without having to drink more alcohol? 

CBD can be used as a natural remedy for many health conditions including chronic pain, anxiety and depression. It has also been found to be beneficial against insomnia and seizures which often accompany hangovers. CBD is good for more than just headaches – it might just become your new best friend on Sunday mornings too!

What causes hangovers?

A hangover is the unpleasant aftermath of heavy drinking, and its most recognizable symptom is a headache.

There are many causes of hangovers some common ones include:

  • Alcohol withdrawal
  • Dehydration
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Elevated levels of acetaldehyde

Some people end up with hangovers because their bodies simply lack the enzyme needed to effectively metabolize alcohol – but the major factor is excessive alcohol consumption! Drinking too fast will end up giving you more than your body needs to process quickly. Sometimes people find they need less sleep when they drink a lot of alcohol, which suggests that it is disrupting brain function. This is why hangovers are so bad.

Common hangover symptoms

There are many hangover symptoms, but the common include:

Hangover headaches:  Headaches are common for people who have a hangover because the liver processes alcohol into toxins that cause headaches.

Fatigue: People often feel tired and run down after consuming alcohol. This is partly due to low blood sugars, but also from poor sleep caused by disrupted brain function.

Nausea and vomiting: The body tries to deal with excess alcohol in its own way – which can be nausea or stomach pains. Often these go away if one rests and drinks plenty of water. However some people may vomit as their bodies struggle with an overdose of ethanol (alcohol). Vomiting alongside dehydration creates electrolyte imbalances which makes matters worse. In cases like this it’s important to rest, drink lots of fluids.

drink water with your CBD for hangovers
Rehydrating your body is important for hangovers. Drink as much water as you can.

Dehydration:  Dehydration is common for people who have a hangover because the body struggles to retain water when it’s under stress – which can cause headaches or nausea.

Loss of Appetite: Chronic alcohol use disrupts the brain so that you may not feel hungry after drinking, but this changes if your liver isn’t processing toxins effectively and blood sugar levels drop.

Stomach acid:  Alcoholic drinks can irritate the stomach and increase acid production. This is why people who drink too much alcohol often experience heartburn or indigestion afterwards.

Brain fog: Dehydration, lack of sleep and general fatigue following a night out often cause difficulties concentrating and a low attention span. So called  “brain fog”

What is CBD and how does it work?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the most important and versatile compounds found in cannabis sativa.

The most well-known compounds of the cannabis plant are THC and CBD.

CBD is non-psychoactive, which means it won’t get you high like THC does. It has many medical benefits that can help improve your health if taken regularly or during times of need, such as for hangover relief.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the most well-known and infamous cannabinoid in cannabis. This compound is what gives you the ‘high’ or ‘stoned’ feeling after consuming cannabis.

CBD interacts with receptors all over the body which make up what is called The Endocannabinoid System (ECS).

What is the endocannabinoid system?

The ECS is a vital system within your body that plays an important role regulating all sorts of things like sleep cycles, appetite, moods and emotions as well as motor control functions such as balance and coordination.

It is made up of two types of receptors: CB1 and CB2.

CB1 Receptors: These are mainly present in the brain and central nervous system, with a few in peripheral organs. They regulate moods and emotions as well as sleep cycles.

CB2 Receptors: These are mainly based in the peripheral nervous system and regulate inflammation and pain relief.

Putting it all together – how CBD works on the ECS

The cannabinoids found in cannabis work with your natural endocannabinoids to reduce pain and stress, help you sleep better at night and regulate appetite cravings, as well as reducing anxiety.

CBD can help reduce the brain fog, headache and nausea
CBD can help reduce the brain fog, headache and nausea

The benefits of using CBD for hangovers

The benefits of CBD for a hangover are numerous, and much more natural than the traditional “hair of the dog” which is basically just drinking another alcoholic drink! Benefits include:

  • reduced headache and brain fog
  • An end to nausea
  • Prevention of anxiety and depression
  • Fighting free radical damage
  • Boosting energy

CBD is a natural and safe salve for symptoms associated with one too many drinks. It has also been shown in multiple studies to help alleviate pain, stress, anxiety and allow for better sleep.

The best way to take CBD for hangovers including dosage and side effects

In order to take CBD oil for hangover symptoms, you need to take about one dropper of CBD when the headache begins. The best way to do this is to hold it under your tongue for a few minutes so that it can be absorbed better in your body.

But now comes the challenging part: everyone has a different response to CBD. For one individual, 5 mg might produce 25 mg of relief; for another, it may not help at all. It’s best to keep track of your personal usage so you can determine your optimum dosage.

DO NOT try to rush the process of dosing by taking more than this amount, as it can lead to nausea and vomiting.

The CBD will start working quickly, reducing the mental fog and pain associated with hangovers.

Side effects are minimal, but can include dry mouth, nausea, and upset stomach. If you experience any of these side effects the best thing to do is reduce your CBD dosage.

Drinking excessive alcohol can be extremely damaging to the body
Drinking excessive alcohol can be extremely damaging to the body

How drinking alcohol affects the body

Drinking is known to be damaging for your body, but what exactly happens when you drink it?

When you drink alcohol your body turns the ethanol into fat through a process called ketosis. This is what also causes weight gain. The liver deals with breaking down all of this by turning excess sugar into cholesterol (which can lead to heart disease). 

Alcohol poisoning occurs when someone drinks so much they don’t have enough enzymes left in their system to metabolize a chemical called acetaldehyde.

Acetaldehyde is a poisonous by-product of alcohol that causes the symptoms of a hangover, including nausea and vomiting among other things. It’s also carcinogenic (cancer causing) to cells in your body, which makes it even more dangerous for people who drink heavily over long periods of time. On a positive note, a lot of the damage done by drinking too much can be healed with CBD oil because of its  anti-inflammatory properties. 

The long term effects of heavy drinking are serious – including diabetes caused by the blood sugar levels rise, liver diseases like cirrhosis or hepatitis C. Excessive amounts of acetyl aldehydes will cause nerve cell death in areas essential for memory making you forgetful as well as causing mood swings & depression. 

Why you should try this natural remedy instead of drinking more alcohol or taking pain killers

CBD is a natural remedy for hangovers. It’s not addictive, so it won’t lead to withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it. Its anti-anxiety properties will help you sleep better, and it can relieve the pain associated with hangovers.

CBD reduces inflammation in the brain reducing headaches & nausea caused by drinking too much. And it can also lower blood pressure levels that are brought on by the higher stress of having a hangover, allowing you to relax deeply after your night out on the town. Taking this natural remedy means less chemicals are entering your body, which ultimately leads to fewer side effects than just having another alcoholic beverage.

Eating bananas and kiwi fruit can help replenish potassium lost during a night of drinking

Other natural ways to soothe a hangover

What’s even better – CBD is a natural way to soothe your hangover! Here are some other natural ways you can soothe your hangover:

  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after alcohol consumption to help prevent dehydration.
  • Use an electrolyte drink or supplements to replace lost electrolytes and increase blood sugar levels.
  • Take fish oil to reduce inflammation. Inflammatory cytokines have been linked with excessive drinking.
  • You can also try ginger tea or lemon juice mixed with honey to help with nausea.
  • If you’re craving a greasy burger to fill that empty stomach, try adding vegetables like pickles or cucumbers which are high in salt and water content.
  • Eat eggs – they contain an amino acid called cysteine which breaks down the acetaldehyde which causes many of the nausea symptoms. 
  • Eat bananas and kiwi fruit to replenish the body’s store of potassium depleted the night before.

Finally, make sure to get plenty of rest. Your body needs it after a night out on the town!

Why you should give it a chance

Hangovers are a common occurrence following overindulgence in alcohol. Whether you’re feeling the effects of last night or have been looking for natural remedies to try, CBD for hangovers is a great option.

There is strong anecdotal evidence that CBD may help reduce many of the common symptoms associated with hangovers including nausea, pain and headaches as well as muscle aches and abdominal pain. 

We aren’t suggesting that you rely only on CBD products for hangover relief, but they may provide a few extra advantages. Who knows, they might even work better than hair of the dog!


What is “hair of the dog”?

Hair of the dog means having more alcohol to cure hangover symptoms.

What causes hangovers?

Hangovers are caused when you drink too much alcohol and your body can’t cope with the toxins in it. The result is an overproduction of enzymes that lead to negative effects like nausea, headache or fatigue

Can CBD cure a hangover?

Yes. CBD eases the symptoms of a hangover, relieving headaches and nausea by calming down your central nervous system

Can you drink alcohol and not get a hangover?

Yes. If you drink responsibly, stop before it gets to the point where your body can’t cope with toxins in the alcohol and use CBD for headache relief when needed.

What’s the best hangover cure?

CBD oil is a great way to ease the symptoms of your hangover and give you back some normality. It’s better than drinking more alcohol, which only prolongs the hangover.

What’s the best way to get blood sugar levels up after a night of drinking?

Eating bland foods with complex carbohydrates, such as toast or crackers.

Can i mix CBD for hangovers with another drink?

Yes, CBD is very flexible. You can mix a dose of CBD with an alcoholic drink without problem.

Have you got your own hangover cure? 

Please share!


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